Mild, moderate and severe pain has a variety of causes. Ailments from asthma and arthritis to fibromyalgia or multiple sclerosis result in varying degrees of discomfort. Current treatments center around prescription medication and opioids and, more recently, cannabis. The use of medical marijuana allows patients to avoid dangerous side-effects of prescription medication.
Cannabis, or “medical marijuana”, has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Such properties are due to natural cannabinoid receptors in the body, which allow cannabis to reduce the immune response. This results in lower levels of inflammation, as well as reduced pain and better pain management. Subsequently, less inflammation improves mobility and comfort. In addition, improved comfort reduces depression and stress. This is a domino-effect which, in turn, leads to a better quality of life.
Almost every cannabis strain is suited for managing discomfort. Depending on the condition – fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, arthritis, cramps, etc – certain strains will have better results than others. Fair Canna Care stocks a variety of medical marijuana strains and makes it easy to buy medical marijuana online.