Fatigue is extreme tiredness, which results in symptoms of exhaustion or lethargy. There are many causes including anemia, diabetes, thyroid disease, sleep disorders as well as the overexertion of mental or physical energy. So, how do you fight exhaustion? With cannabis of course!
Pure sativa strains or sativa-dominant hybrids are the best options for individuals battling fatigue. The energy-boosting properties are great for reducing lethargy. Additionally, the cannabinoid receptors found in these flowers are able to improve dopamine levels; dopamine is responsible for creating the sensation of pleasure and reward. As a result, these strains activate the body and mind to spark productivity. Perfect for your morning wake and bake!
Fair Canna Care stocks a variety of strains to help beat exhaustion, including Sage ‘N Sour and Green Crack. Plus, we make it easy to buy cannabis online! Read our frequently asked questions to learn more about our mail-order marijuana service