A cerebral high refers to the mental state generated by the cannabinoids found in marijuana. This is typically found in Sativa’s and Sativa-dominated hybrids, which produce a productive and energetic buzz. This is a clear-headed high perfect for daytime. In addition, the energy boost is accompanied by happiness and creativity – sometimes even giddiness.
Cerebral highs begin with a rush of energy and thoughts that come crashing through the mind. Consequently, these thoughts can create laughter or result in creativity and new ways of looking at things. Some users find themselves more chatty when buzzing from these types of strains. Individuals who suffer from an anxiety disorder are best to avoid hard-hitting Sativa’s; in this case, the cerebral high may induce anxious thoughts instead of good ones.
For experienced users, or individuals free from anxiety, Sativa is great for busting through creative blocks or managing fatigue and depression. Fair Canna Care makes it easy to buy cannabis online and we have a variety of strains available in our shop.